We are H2ready®
Gerodur gas pipes of the type RCprotect® as well as GEROfit® protective jacket pipes have been awarded the H2ready® test mark and thus form an important building block on the way to decarbonization and a climate-neutral future. Together with the product certification according to DVGW and DIN CERTCO, this attests to a product service life of at least 100 years and contributes to the high sustainability of supply networks.

All Gerodur gas pipe types for gas supply were additionally certified by the DBI, the Gastechnologisches Institut gGmbH in Freiberg, within the scope of the "Verification of hydrogen compatibility of components of the gas distribution network" with regard to their suitability for the transport of hydrogen (especially with regard to permeation). An admixture of hydrogen to natural gas of, for example, 20% up to the transport of pure hydrogen (100%) is possible without any problems under consideration of the pressure classes known and permitted for PE pipes (SDR 11 up to 10 bar). DIN EN 1555-2 is used as the standard.